What is English with Mrs. English? English with Mrs. English is your place to go for bite-sized lessons, review, and discussions about the English language, especially grammar. You will also be encouraged to take control of your words and use them wisely. This blog works hand-in-hand with the English with Mrs. English YouTube channel. If you missed my blog’s official welcome to you, please hop over to my “Welcome” after you are done here.
What do I mean by “bite-sized” pieces? The YouTube videos will be limited to 1 to 3 minutes, so you can easily take a bite while brushing your teeth or waiting on the rest of your family to get in the car. Bite-sized lessons also make it MUCH easier for you to go back to the exact place you want to review without excessive fast forwarding and rewinding when trying to find just the right spot.
Is English with Mrs. English for you? Well, let’s see:
If you are an adult whose native language is English but you often feel clueless about the parts of speech or you feel unsure if you are saying something the right way? Then yes. This is for you, but if you are still not sure, hop over to video “0002 Why Bother Learning Grammar?” (or the related blog post)
If English is not your native language and you want a simple, bite-sized review of formal English instruction you are receiving, then, yes, English with Mrs. English is for you.
If you are a child or student of any age and you have at least a first-grade reading ability (or are the parent of such a student), then English with Mrs. English is for you as a good preview or review of your formal instruction.
If you are ready for bite-sized lessons, review, and discussions about the English language and encouragement on improving how you communicate, then start by subscribing to the English with Mrs. English YouTube channel. Also, go to the right of this page or to the top to find a link to sign up for email newsletters. Unfortunately, I am running on a HUGE learning curve with the mechanics of running a blog, email newsletters, YouTube videos, and social media posting. I will, however, be announcing new posts and videos on Facebook and the other social media outlets listed below, so PLEASE subscribe to my English with Mrs. English on those pages (links below).
Would you like to see this information coming from me personally? Then to go 0001 What is English with Mrs. English? on YouTube or click video below. Every time I do a video, I will create a blog post that reviews the content of the video and often add clarifying information. I expect to also create blog posts that will not have a video related to it, like my “Welcome” blog post.
If you are still questioning why you should bother improving your English skills, then go to “0002 Why Bother Learning Grammar?” to watch it or read it. Do you want to learn something about me? Take a look at “0003 Who is Mrs. English” on YouTube or on this website. Then jump into your first bite of grammar in video “0004 Preposition Practice Prior to the Presentation” or read about it here.
Before you go, please remember to like, comment on, and share this post. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Now subscribe with me on YouTube!